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I'm Janie,
and I'm So Glad You're Here!
to find the information you need.

I wear many hats!
Copywriting & Communications
Do you need someone to help you pitch PR? Perhaps your content and copy could use a fresh touch? Is your email funnel bringing in enough leads? I have ideas and answers to solve your marketing communications questions. Get your free 30 minute consultation!
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Yoga & Mindful Meditation
My classes are gentle and sprinkled with stories, themes, and a chance to challenge yourself. Go deeper into your journey of the self, through the self, and to the SELF when you experience a yoga or meditation class with me. View the class schedule here.
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Reinvention Ready™
Are you questioning your soul’s purpose? Asking what’s next for my life? Reinvention Ready™ helps people approaching their 50s, 60s, and beyond discover their fires of possibility. Discover how your body, mind, and spirit can feel better than ever!
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Recipes for Better Health
Need help creating recipes for special vegan diets? Are food allergies making your plate dull? I can show you how to replace your favorites with healthy plant based alternatives. Every recipe is vegan and gluten-free! View recipes here.
Let's Cook!