Roots Grow in the Winter – Nourish Today What Will Flourish Tomorrow

Did you know roots continue to grow in the winter? The erie and empty trees are still busy nourishing themselves, even when we can’t see anything changing above ground.  Our roots are growing too.

I remember my dad saying, “A penny saved is a penny earned.” Even though it seemed so silly to hear – a penny – really? But the lesson was much bigger than just saving a penny. The less was about what we choose today and how it affects our tomorrows. His wisdom and guidance helped me think about the choices I made and the consequences that would come after – good or bad. I was just a little kid, so I didn’t always listen, of course. Some lessons have to be learned the hard way. Did I have my fair share of less than brilliant choices?  Oh yes.  I stumbled a few times on that rough path. A path I made. But also a path that made me.

Looking back though, it’s those choices I didn’t make, the things I didn’t do, that I wonder about.  I won’t say I regret not making them, because all my choices built the person I am today. But the choices I did make, while they weren’t always the wisest choices, carved my life path. The ones I didn’t make, the things I chose not to do, will never reveal what journey might have been.

I know better that to dwell on the past – good or bad.  I know better than to spend time wondering what could have been. We learn in the first sutra from Patanjali that the time for yoga is now. I do my best to practice living in the now, because it’s where we all are. Always.

In yoga, what we bring to the mat, we bring to our world. When we find balance in tree pose or half-moon, it helps us balance in life. When we surrender and let go in child’s pose or yoga nidra, we allow things that are holding us back to loosen and disperse.  When we strive to stretch our edge, we grow, not just physically, but also energetically. And when we quiet our minds, we get a clearer vision of our path.

We can choose to practice. We can choose not to practice. The choice we make today will have an influence on our tomorrow. There’s no crystal ball to completely arrange the future, but we can certainly influence it, maybe even create opportunities and experiences we only dream about today.

I know I don’t regret getting on my mat and going through the flow. I don’t regret taking steps to carve out a better path.  But if I never take the steps, I’ll never know how that particular journey would have played out for me and those lives I touch.

So take that baby step. Try something new. Do something good for your body, your soul, your tribe.  Do something today for your future self.  No regrets.

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